Niederfullbach csu gets new leadership

Niederfullbach csu gets new leadership

He immigrated from anatolia with his parents in 1977, is a member of the syrian orthodox church and has held german citizenship as well as turkish citizenship since 2002: iso capan, the new chairman of the niederfullbach CSU local association.

The annual general meeting of the local CSU association not only brought a completely new executive committee – it also served for a long time to clear up misunderstandings between mayor martin rauscher (upwg) and the CSU parliamentary group, which have made successful cooperation in the municipal council difficult for years. After achim bruckner had presented his "handing over of office" as the previous chairman to the 40 or so members present after 18-years of cooperation in the party had announced, he went to the youngest discrepancies in the local council.

CO 12: A concept is needed
Bruckner affirmed (supported by Marita Pollex-Claus) that it was far from the CSU's intention to block the tram connection of the CO 12 circle road to the carl-brandt road as well as the uferstrabe. On the contrary: "our group is very keen to clarify the local road conditions once and for all." But this could only happen once a satisfactory concept, convincing planning, financing and land negotiations had been completed.

The goal is to keep heavy traffic out of the area of the carl-brandt-strabe and the uferstrabe. In bruckner's opinion, however, the 250,000 euros earmarked for the trip will not be nearly enough. "Therefore the CSU cannot agree to this plan", explained the chairman. That is why it was never said that nothing was happening there. "But there has to be an effective overall concept", demanded bruckner.

Debt burden has increased
Bruckner reported that the current debt burden of the community is currently 437 euros per inhabitant – and thus almost twice as high as two years ago. The previous youth welfare officer, dominik oesterreicher, is moving to coburg university as a lecturer, but a new youth welfare officer has already been "targeted". In the local council one carries oneself furthermore with the thought to establish a senior citizen home or a senior citizen residence. However, their business had to be taken over by a private company.


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