“Forestry gem”: former head dr. Richard Schute turns 90

His 90. Birthday celebrations on wednesday, 13. September, dr. Richard schute from gersfeld. The former head of the federal forestry office wildflecken retired from active forestry service in september 1992 because he had reached the age limit. He headed the federal forestry office for almost 33 years and turned it into a "forestry gem".
He stood for a successful symbiosis of forest, game and hunting and he advocated that gray and green coats stay together. Schute is a distinctive, stable person who always remains true to himself and does not submit to time currents. He has, like no one else, protected national interests and shown great understanding for the stationed or serving troops. For many years, units of the U.S. Armed forces and the german armed forces were stationed in wildflecken.
Some burdens, such as the safety of the population, an adequate water supply, the prevention of erosion damage, and dust and larvae control measures were mitigated, avoided, or ensured through the actions of the forestry director.
Schute, as a forester, has also made an effective contribution to nature conservation. Many wetlands and other biotopes have been preserved, created, or are being favoured. He has left his mark on the landscape and thus given the forestry office a high ecological and economic status. He presided over his subordinates, his office, stood up for them and also stood up for many a situation through.

Outstanding achievement

As district group chairman of the hunting community, schute was an upright, relentless supporter of german hunting. His comprehensive knowledge of wildlife biology distinguished him. As a member of the executive board of the bad bruckenau district group in the bavarian hunting association, a member of the hunter examination commission in the lower franconia region, chairman of the forestry committee of the lower franconia region group in the bavarian hunting association, head of the hunting association and head of the wild boar ring, he has achieved outstanding things and left his mark.
The hunters of the district's largest hunting association unanimously elected him as their leader. The foundation of a habitually strong mouflon deer population was a successful rough hit and also enriches its account.
Schute has, like hardly anyone else, always been committed to hunting in a way that protects animals. Many publications in "wild und hund, in the "lower saxony jager, lectures in the district group and before the hunters' association of the city and country of schweinfurt as well as the "articles of war" announced by him before each hunt gave evidence of his noble spirit. Forest, game and hunting are perfectly compatible with each other.
He is the author of the book "the rhon, land in the heart of germany." 

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