Where else can you build in the county?

Where else can you build in the county?

The construction boom continues unabated. Construction sites in bamberg’s bacon belt are in particular demand. But here, municipalities can hardly offer free plots of land to those willing to build. The bulk is in private hands. A large number of them are building jerks. In total, the FT’s research revealed that there are currently around 100 vacant community sites. While the standard land values here are up to about 300 euros per square meter, privately owned building plots can easily pay up to 500 euros. Municipalities are reacting to the continuing demand and are increasingly designating new building areas, especially in their own districts. This will mean a good 800 new plots in 2020/21. The FT has inquired where there are how many sites and where new ones are planned in the foreseeable future. We also shed light on the prices. A detailed report with an overview of vacant land and where and when new building sites will be on the market, you will find in the premium area.


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