Kurhausbad bad kissingen: new splendor in the old bathhouse

In december the time has come. Then the current 34 employees of the state office for health and food safety (LGL) will start work at their new office: the completely renovated, historic kurhausbad. "The move from the telecom building to the new offices is scheduled to begin in mid-december and be completed by the end of the year at the latest", an LGL spokesman informs. As a specialized agency, the state office is heavily involved in the management of the corona pandemic "nevertheless, the employees are looking forward to the new premises".

The state spa was built according to the plans of max littmann and completed in 1927. Until 2014 it was open as a bathhouse. Almost exactly 74 months after the closure, the listed building is now coming back to life. "On the upper floors, most of the construction work has been completed or is in the process of being completed", a spokeswoman of the ministry of finance gives information. The offices of the LGL employees are located in this area.

Renovation and conversion costs almost 57 million euros

In the basement and in the outside area the work is not yet so far advanced. In the new building adjacent to the kurhaus baths, there is still a lot of construction work going on. The laboratories will be housed in the new building by the end of 2021. "All work is on schedule", says the speaker. 56.9 million euros for the state of bavaria to convert the two former spa buildings into modern LGL offices. 100 employees are expected to be employed here in the long term.

The architects in charge christian teichmann and erik reitter give an insight into the spa baths. "The whole ensemble is very exciting. We have the view from the historic steam baths to high-tech laboratories", says teichmann. The postal address for the kurhausbad remains prinzregentenstrabe 6. "The old main entrance is also the new one", says reitter. In the first period, temporary ramps will allow barrier-free access here. Later there is a barrier-free entrance in the courtyard. From there, you can get to the basement, and an elevator takes you to the ground floor and the two upper floors.

Back to 1927

Those who enter the spa through the main entrance enter the vestibul, which is once again resplendent in the same colors as 93 years ago. "Littmann was a courageous "color giver, says teichmann. The walls had been painted over over time, now they present themselves in green again, matching the terracotta-red tiles. The gelander in the staircase shows the original condition and also the stained glass windows were replaced as they used to be. "The vestibule is the ornament in the building", swarm teichmann. Reitter adds: "it is the rough distributor." All floors are accessible from the foyer to fub.

The construction crews have returned the interior of the spa to its original state. The building structure was largely preserved and the historic bathrooms were converted into offices and social rooms. In order to adapt the room dimensions accordingly, individual partition walls had to give way, so that one room now takes up the space of two to three bath cubicles. A new fire alarm system is installed as well as new ventilation technology. The installers have installed the latter in the existing roof structures.

The south wing on the second floor is particularly exciting from the point of view of historic preservation. A bathing cabin was preserved and restored. In the hallway on the walls the historic tiles of the bathhouse can be seen and also the doors into the rooms are to a large extent still the original ones. The windows in the offices have also remained unaltered. "Here it looks like it did in 1927", says teichmann. The former gymnasium rooms on the second floor above the vestibule are now available for use as lecture rooms.

Old steam baths integrated into the restaurant

Work continues in the basement. The old steam bath department in the south wing will later house the catering trade. The historic steam baths and wooden cabins have been restored and can be integrated into the restaurant. According to the ministry of finance, no operator has yet been chosen for the catering facilities. In the middle area of the basement a bar counter is planned, which will be part of the restaurant.

In addition, there will be an information point in the foyer in the basement as well as a withdrawal point for healing water. The basement of the north wing once housed the technical area for the spa baths. In the future, this is where you will find the new healing water treatment and filling plant. The relocation of the plant is planned for the first quarter of 2021. At the moment a concept for the show is being worked out. "It is not yet clear when the healing water treatment and filling plant will be open to the public", informs the ministry spokeswoman. The plant was previously housed in the jug magazine in kurhausstrabe.

Instead of coal-fired boilers, the boiler house now houses a combined heat and power plant, a split-load boiler, jerk cooling systems and transformers, as well as a grid replacement system. According to planners, work on the pit will be put on hold until plans for the hotel project on the former steigenberger site become more concrete. The design of the outdoor area is to be coordinated with this.

LGL site in bad kissingen

In the long term, 100 employees of the state office for health and food safety are to work in the spa and neumann flugel. Among others, the institute for spa medicine, the department of claims, and the bavarian center for prevention and health promotion are to be housed here. In addition, the laboratories are to be used for research from the "non-food" sector-area and the blood alcohol analyses are carried out.


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