Due to flooding: bar from zoo in the eifel must be shot

The predators temporarily missing from a zoo in the rhineland-palatinate region of the eifel have not escaped from their enclosures after all, except for one, contrary to initial information from the authorities. The mayor of the municipality of arzfeld, andreas kruppert, said on friday that this had not been apparent at first because of the flooding. The bar had been shot on a path in the zoo.

The first report was as follows: two lows, two tigers and a jaguar had escaped on friday. One bar was shot, the other animals are said to have been captured alive.

The outbreak is linked to a violent storm that raged in the eifel region of germany. As a result, enclosures in the eifel zoo had been undermined in the night of friday, which is why the fences were no longer watertight, the dpa reported. It was initially unclear whether the animals had left the zoo grounds, which were secured with a fence.

The people in the vicinity of the eifel zoo in lunebach had been called upon not to leave their houses and apartments for the time being and to call the police in case of sighting the animals. A rough search action had been set in motion according to the spokesman of the district authority. Among other things, forces of firefighters and police and veterinarians were in action. The county authorities planned to give details of the capture operation at a press conference in bitburg on friday afternoon.

The eifel zoo in lunebach is located in the west of rhineland-palatinate, about 50 kilometers north of trier as the crow flies. The zoo advertises on its homepage with the cats of prey as attraction. A total of around 60 exotic and indigenous species live on the 30-hectare site. Among them are siberian tigers and lowen. The zoo, which opened in 1972, is a private operation and is family-owned.


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