Cycling with pleasure

Cycling with pleasure

Jurgen tesarczyk, who has already been around a lot on two wheels, is also one of those who prefer to avoid the race tracks if they can. What bothers the 59-year-old: "there are so many attractive routes that could be prepared for cyclists with little effort."

Finding, testing, cataloging and tirelessly promoting these routes and making them usable for cyclists is jurgen tesarczyk’s mission. Many pages fill his suggestions in the meantime. The main objective is to make the main and its immediate surroundings more accessible to bicycle tourists than before.

At present, those coming from the west on the main cycle path ride past the city along the flood basin. If you come from the east, between wirsberg and kauerndorf you don’t cycle for many kilometers in the main valley, but in the schorgast valley. There is a well-maintained cycle path along the railroad line. Between neuenmarkt/schlomen and kauerndorf, on the other hand, there is a winding road via trebgast and folschnitz, which is sometimes very busy and therefore not without danger. This may be a reason.

"It could be done differently", says jurgen tesarczy – and presents his alternative route as part of a "discovery tour in front of. The route to trebgast will be largely car-free and above all without steep gradients: "i am thinking of bicycle tourists, older people, families. They want to be safe on the road and not struggle up long mountains."

Tesarczyk’s tour begins at kulmbach’s market square. Instead of the usual route through the grunzug, the cyclist and his companions roll through fischergasse. Strictly speaking, it is not a roll, but rather a rumble: coarse, unpaved pavement interferes with the enjoyment of cycling. "This could be easily fixed", says the "discoverer. And: "people want to enjoy the flair of the old town."

Past the municipal brewery and the swimming pool it goes through buchgasse. It rises sharply after the edelmann bridge. The bikers take a left into the bushes: a "trampling path" pushing route!" – takes a highly romantic route to folschnitz. Along the forest ebersbach and kodnitz are reached. The group crosses the valley, reaches feuln and trebgast via field and meadow paths. The view of the springtime main valley is breathtaking. The ride on the rough ground is exhausting: "of course, these are not yet bike paths", says jurgen tesarczyk. "But a bit of widening here, a bit of paving there was to make the paths suitable for bicycles." A route has been created that really deserves to be called the main cycle path.

Tesarczyk has also thought about bike paths between kulmbach and mainleus, but has little attraction for the route, which so far runs along main roads and through industrial areas. His alternative route was from the city center always along the main, over newly built footbridges and on secret paths that are currently not yet open to the public.

By the way, not (yet) very attractive either. Gas factory "fritz, former guterbahnhof train station – the 59-year-old believes that city builders still had a lot of work to do to make kulmbach more attractive. Here, too, jurgen tesarczyk sees himself as a "discoverer". But that is a completely different story…


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