Grande armee in Kronach

Marco meissner the french troops gather in kronach. In bamberg, coburg, lichtenfels and kulmbach, too, the soldiers stand rifle to fub. At this moment, the rosenberg fortress becomes the starting point for one of the most important campaigns of the 19th century. Century. Napoleon's grande armee marches against preuben – but today only on the game board. The museologist alexander sub weib, however, that the simulation "napoleon 1806", which has just been released of the young french games publisher shakos at a crucial time for the region.

"Preuben was the toughest opponent napoleon still had", alexander sub tells about the year 1806. And since bavaria had previously turned to the french, bonaparte used the french region as a starting point for his campaign, which would culminate in his famous triumphs at jena and auerstedt. Napoleon gave the order for this military campaign in kronach.

"On 8. October 1806 napoleon came to kronach", tells the museologist. There he had lived for a few hours in the parish house. In the presence of high officers he rode to the fortress for an inspection at 1 p.M. He quickly chose this as the ideal base and possible retreat for his troops. "Fortresses were important places for napoleon and his armies, which were always on the move. Such a fortress was like a battleship," says, says sub.

Well-located city

The soldier-emperor would like to immediately demolish the bay windows so as not to offer a target to enemy artillery. And he also inspected the kreuzberg to see if it could serve the enemy as a starting point for an attack. His realization of that day: it had been negligent on the part of the preubes not to take kronach, which was logistically excellently situated with its bulwark.

After his return to the city, he discussed with his officers the plans for his campaign against the preubes and saxons. What was going on in kronach "was the first guard", sub states. There were famous names, such as marshal joachim murat, louis-alexandre berthier and jean baptiste bernadotte, from whom the current swedish royal family is descended.

In the early morning hours of 9. In october, napoleon already said goodbye to kronach. "A postillion drove him in the direction of "nordhalben", so sub. Bonaparte's soldiers dominated the events in the city for a long time. "The city was "flooded" by the french in these days, according to a historical source.

500 frenchmen, for example, joined the 100 or so bavarians in the garrison at the fortress. It is estimated that at least 15,000 people passed through kronach on the march alone. Prisoners and injured were also quartered in the military hospitals in the fortress and in the hospital. Supplying these contingents was a feat for the people of kronach, whose city was under a state of war from 1806 to 1808.

While the campaign in the french strategy game is simulated on a military level, personal experiences cannot be transported in it. For example, the story of andreas lamprecht, a lawyer from kronach who spoke french and was therefore allowed to accompany napoleon on his ride from the parsonage through the upper town. The "vivat-he must have been impressed by the shouts of the people and the french soldiers. "A pop star came to kronach", tries sub to find a comparison.

The late medical councilor joseph berner also made a good name for himself at this time. He has been credited with excellent work in the treatment of the wounded and sick in the military hospitals. Later dear his wife even engrave on the tombstone that also many "foreign warriors on his beach" owed his life.


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