From the “laughing stock” to the top

From the

Hochstadt – fifteen people met in 1927 with one goal: to found a sports club in hochstadt. A workers' club, to be precise a. And so they got together to create the ASV hochstadt. Already one year later one took up officially the play enterprise, until during the nazi time all worker associations were forbidden. Also the ASV suffered from 1933 on, they had to stop the operation completely.

Re-founded after the war

In 1947, after the war, the association was reestablished. However, severe losses had to be accepted. Some of the former members did not return from the war. "After the war, most of the members of ASV were "workers", says honorary chairman gunther grunbaum.
For the time being, however, one could establish in hochstadt. Spvgg etzelskirchen's predecessor, DJK hochstadt, played on ASV's land, as did rival TSV hochstadt. And from 1964, the ASV was even allowed to call a sports home its own.
But with the youth it went steadily downhill. Fewer and fewer young people were in the club. 1990 one could place only a first team and the gymnastic ladies. But the ASV held together. "Camaraderie has always been a big thing at ASV", tells robert rosenhahn, press spokesman of the association. But the sporting success has always been lacking.
But then the tide turned when the new youth leader ignaz zenkel brought momentum to the club. While little had previously been done for the youth department, this has now changed abruptly. "When we used to have a good man, he came to TSV", says honorary chairman grunbaum. Starting in 1990, the ASV rebuilt the entire youth team. In 1996, the clubhouse was rebuilt, all on the club's own initiative, a fact of which the club is very proud.

Proud of a strong youth

The previous high point of youth work was 2002. This year seven youth teams were formed, five of them were champions. In the course of this, a new, small field was also inaugurated on the land on the aisch, especially for the youth.
"In 2007 the youth department took over the management", says rosenhahn. The club's own members had already been active for years until they were elected to the board in 2007. According to rosenhahn, the last 25 years have been the best time for the club.
"Now we're really playing fubball, he continues. Training takes place three times a week, thirteen youth coaches are on duty, and the club currently has a total of 245 members. "We want to get one class higher in the medium term", says rosenhahn.

Family image

The club is also on the upswing in terms of spectator numbers. An average of 80 spectators bury them at first-team games, but at the same time, according to rosenhahn, they also have good sponsors on their side. Nevertheless, ASV hochstadt attaches great importance to its family image. Because they wanted to strengthen the cohesion even more, they went to berlin together in september.
According to rosenhahn, the team was "always the laughing stock" in the past. But they have worked their way up. "We want to remain number one in hochstadt", explains rosenhahn with a grin.
In the youth, however, the club still cooperates with both TSV hochstadt and SC gremsdorf. The clubs were no longer enemies, and good cooperation was also important in the future for all involved.


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