Using wildflecken’s military history for tourism

Using Wildflecken's military history for tourism

"We have a unique selling point: our military history", said wildflecken's mayor gerd kleinhenz (PWW) at the final workshop on the new tourism concept for the market town. "We are a troop replacement site municipality. There are close emotional ties of former soldiers of the federal army and the u.S. Army, who have served and lived in wildflecken for many years. We can use this potential for tourism."

Kleinhenz also went into the history of the resettled villagers on the troop reclamation site. The second- and third-generation descendants will take an even greater interest in the future in where their ancestors came from, the head of the town council is certain. The municipality would like to attract even more short holidaymakers, day-trippers, nature lovers, families and holidaymakers from the rhône region.

Kleinhenz made no bones about the fact that the community simply lacks sufficient hotel and restaurant facilities. "We have small weak. We have to focus on three themes: nature tourism, military history and outdoor adventure." The municipality should not go it alone, but should rely on the existing structures in the bavarian rhon: "only in this way can we succeed in increasing the quality of life of our own citizens as well."

Military history theme
Oliver melchert and dana roberts from the tourism and regional consulting firm "BTE presented the results of the workshops held so far. Wildflecken must profit even more from the many attractions in the rhon, melchert demanded. He warned against the municipality spending a lot of money on its own trade fair appearances or advertising, because the rhon already functions very well as a tourist brand. "We are of the opinion that the house of the black mountains must play a much more central role", melchert continued. The topic of military history, for example, has not yet been taken up in this facility. Local councillor hans-joachim gehrlein (PWW), formerly the site elder of the german armed forces in wildflecken, expressed the view that the military history collection on the troop recovery area could be removed from the military site. This is also a way to ensure that visitors have permanent access. So far, those interested have had to rely on the rough voluntary work of adolf kreuzpaintner, who has built up the collection and is in charge of it, as well as conducting the guided tours himself. Gehrlein is convinced that in the meantime there is a chance to get the military museum out of the barracks. "It would be worth a try." But then the question arises, where to put the exhibition, and how will the supervision be ensured??

More gastronomic offers
For a permanently opened museum with appropriate tours and presentations, one could not only rely on the voluntary commitment of individual citizens. A broader basis is needed. The participants agreed that the topic of military history should be made more presentable.

Melchert also mentioned the lack of diverse gastronomic offerings in the market town. A kind of "beer garden" could be created at the black mountain house a new attraction, also in connection with a mobile home park. The current number of visitors can be increased in any case. Dana roberts drew attention to the increasing trend of hiking vacations.

"Hiking is a leisure sport that also interests younger holidaymakers." The proximity to the kreuzberg could be an important plus point here. Also very original offers should help to strengthen tourism. Especially in the outdoor area, there are too few suitable training courses for amateur athletes who are interested in brave heart battles, for example. The ideas ranged from glamour camping to tree house hotels to hammock camps and tree tents. The rhonian star park could also provide a framework for guided hikes and camps at night.

Mountain bikers in view
For mountain bikers, the existing routes had to be optimized. Challenging trails with obstacles and attractive viewpoints are very much in demand. The bus connection for mountain bikers also had to be made usable and service points in the market town had to be considered. Again and again, the tourism experts spoke about the "haus der schwarzen berge", whose potential has not yet been sufficiently exploited.


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