“Das gott”? Union people argue about schroder’s idea

Bavaria’s social affairs minister christine haderthauer (CSU) said in the "bild" newspaper about the federal family minister’s reappraisal: "this headlong nonsense leaves me speechless. I find it sad when our children are deprived of the strong images that are so important for their imagination out of sheer insecurity and political correctness."

The secretary of state in the federal environment ministry, katherina reiche (CDU), also finds the idea of her party colleague schroder absurd: "the dear god remains the dear god!"CSU member of parliament stephan mayer even got political: "instead of starting completely pointless debates again and again, the minister should just do her job for once."

The minister admitted: "I was interviewed by the newspaper "zeit" been asked how i explain to a little girl why it’s "the" one love god and not "them" dear god. In my answer, I was perhaps thinking too much about the little girl and not about the many adults who stumble over my words."

Even schroder’s spokesman christoph steegmans had to stand by his minister on friday at the federal press conference. The pope has also expressed in his books "that god is neither man nor woman," he argued. And warned: "one should not be more pontifical than the pope."Government spokesman steffen seibert agreed with him: "those who believe in god don’t care about the article."

Schroder was supported by the deputy chairwoman of the cdu and catholic theologian julia klockner. "I don’t think we should be unfair now: mrs. Schroder did not want to start a debate about the gender of god, but was merely responding to an interview question. Theologically, by the way, it’s not even wrong: god is above us humans and also above our little pigeonholes of man and woman," the CDU leader from rhineland-palatinate told the "welt" (saturday).

He could not understand the excitement, said the head of the commissariat of the catholic bishops in berlin, pralat karl justen, to the "saarbrucker zeitung" (saturday). "The question of gender does not arise with god. It is only god."

Nevertheless, a journalist wanted to know from schroder’s spokeswoman whether she also prays "the lord’s prayer" with her daughter. Answer steegmans: "the little lotte is just one and a half years old. I think she can "mama say."


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