Discussions about jahn relocation do not rub off

The relocation of jahn forchheim was also a recurring topic in 2018. At the beginning of the year, at the new year's reception, mayor uwe kirschstein (SPD) had already brought up the subject. At the time, he had said that the club had not done its homework in terms of relocation.

This "provocation the members of the jahn forchheim board of directors do not like the idea, saying that the relationship of trust "has been destroyed in one fell swoop".

A few statements and speeches later, it is clear: the city and jahn want to continue to work together and solve the "problem" loose.

In june, however, the relocation issue was stalled again. The problem: the bavarian sports association (BLSV) has been asked for funds. The BLSV, however, demanded a priority right of use for club sports, while the jahn and the county had agreed that the schools in the north of forchheim would have the right of use until 5 p.M.

This was necessary because the jahn wanted to lease land from the county. The problem was to be clarified in a later meeting between the chairmen of the jahn and the BLSV. School sports and club sports do not usually overlap in terms of time anyway.

In an interim report in december in the forchheim city council, however, the jahn was able to report good news: three soccer fields and eight tennis courts are still planned. But the financial situation of the spvgg jahn forchheim is still not rosy. So the story continues next year. 

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