Bad bruckenauer offers markus soder the forehead

Bad bruckenauer offers markus soder the forehead

He is 33 years young and is running for the office of bavarian minister-president. Benjamin wildenauer is a pirate by heart, city councillor in bad bruckenau and network expert. His candidacy, he says himself, is peppered with a lot of self-irony, because according to the bavarian constitution, the minister-president may not be younger than 40 years old. "Why actually?", asks wildenauer, and questions a whole series of other things at once.

Mr. Wildenauer, why did you put yourself forward as a candidate for the office of bavarian minister-president??
Benjamin wildenauer: we have noticed that no party dares to put forward a minister-president candidate with the intention of actually providing the head of government. The fact that soder is to become minister president seems to be a foregone conclusion. That is not the point of the matter. We are thus consolidating the already royal behavior of the CSU.

What do you have to say about markus soder??
Just like the CSU under horst seehofer, he is doing a lot of symbolic politics. The bavarian border police alone: there is talk of 1,000 new jobs. Wouldn't it make more sense to use these personnel in the countryside like in bad bruckenau, so that the police can patrol more often?? Also the initiative bayernheim, with the 10.000 affordable housing units are to be created, that's a great sell, of course. But that soder 33.He obviously doesn't even remember that he sold 000 apartments of the GBW housing company to private investors and blamed the whole thing on EU requirements. It was a lie that the EU banned it. She has only made conditions.

Her candidacy is considered completely hopeless. Why are you running anyway??
In recent years, we have slipped somewhat out of the public eye as a party. In any case, we have achieved the goal of making people realize that we still exist. You also have to see this with a certain amount of self-irony. If you do politics for as long as I have, without achieving the corresponding election results, you can quickly lose your motivation. And that was not good.

Why the pirates at all?
There is no alternative. The SPD has had outstanding net politicians in its ranks, and yet it has not listened to them. The greens in ara schroder supported everything in the anti-terror laws after the 11th hour. September, also in the matter of hartz IV. Anything right-wing is out of the question for me, as is the FDP. And the left is out of the question, if you look at how sahra wagenknecht, for example, is getting on with her new initiative "aufstehen" on aubert's asylum policy. It makes you wonder whether this is a movement or just a one-person show.

What do you stand for politically?
I don't know how many times I've gone to jail since 2009: data retention, the police task law or the mental health assistance law. Everywhere you look, communication data, movement profiles and so on are collected. At the same time, the hurdles to using this data for law enforcement are being lowered, even without the threat of terrorism. We criticize the european data protection regulation for not really tackling problems. As far as the collection of data by the state is concerned, you have no influence at all.

You are a very active city councilor. You are involved as a youth and transparency advisor, have launched free wireless in the city center and visited both partner cities. You were also the only city councilor who responded to the appeal of the library director and helped out at the circulation desk for a day to get to know the procedures. What drives her?
When I do something, I do it right. I was interested in what they do all day in the library. And as for the twinning: I am a fervent supporter of europe, so I think that such small initiatives must be filled with life. Because if it does not work on a small scale, how can it work on a large scale??

How do you deal with established politicians laughing at you??
Of course it makes you angry. I believe that the established politicians do not always correctly assess what I do all day long. But actually I don't care. Let them laugh at me.


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